School started this week. I'm always a little nervous before class, it's a little like starting a new job. Sweaty palms, growly stomach. Will I know anyone? Answer: Almost never, and I like that. Will the professor like me? Answer: Always. I'm a renowned teacher's pet, even unwittingly, since high school-despite the incessant chatting.
This term I'm taking my second of four necessary math class, but I'm not worried about that one, it's the same professor I had last term and I know what to expect. Algebra, fractions, and graphing. The suspense is gone.
I'm also taking a speech class. For a Journalism/Communication/English major I need to take almost all of them. Working in the... "hospitality" industry has finely tuned my ability to speak in front of others. I really don't mind it, almost enjoy it as much as I love being the center of attention, but I do mind being critiqued and graded based on hitting every point laid forth on my outline. Since it's the 111 class that everyone has to take I'm surrounded by the dregs of society. The nerdy boy that feels the need to say something "clever" constantly, the wanna-be sorority girls that pass notes back and forth-yes, that's right, they're still in high school, and the rest don't really seem like they should be allowed out in the daytime.
Finally, my term's coup de grace, writing. Again, because of my finally) chosen major, it's necessary for me to take a multitude of writing and English classes, but I don't mind at all. I was planning to take Creative Writing Non-Fiction since that's where I plan to make my money in my super ultimate master plan. I know it's not the best plan, and don't worry, I'm not planning to make a LOT of money, I've gotten quite used to being semi-poor.
But I digress. I couldn't take non-fiction for some reason or other that I really don't remember now. So what's on the agenda? Creative writing FICTION. Yikes. Fiction. I love to read fiction and I'm always creating elaborate scenarios in my head that never pan out, but I don't know how I feel about having to express them all via pen and paper.
I haven't written fiction since I was six years old. That phase involved many stories of kittens getting lost and other such nonsense. I drew pictures to go along with the stories and everything. Don't worry, the kittens always made it home safe, but that's not where I'm going with this.
I don't know how to write fiction! I read a lot of it, I know what I like to get from it, but I don't have the faintest idea how to do it. I've had the first sentence of a story in my head for at least three years now, but nothing has ever come from that. Our first assignment is to write 250 words about two people meeting. And to involve paint. I already have an idea of what I'll do, but how the hell am I supposed to keep a story under 250 words? If my phone allowed it, I would text more than that at once. I'm fairly certain even the running commentary in my head is pages and pages long daily.
I'll manage. I always do. And if all else fails, I'll just plagiarize and hope the professor doesn't notice.
Kidding. Or not.