3/15 - 3/21
I can't wait till next week so I can stop spelling out the numbers. Bet you didn't know that was a rule, right? One through nine are spelled, 10 and up and just numeric. "The More You Know..."
Okay, grammar lesson over time to talk Skinny Nicole. Cause yes, I've finally had a week to be proud of. My body realized after nine weeks that I wasn't going to give up no matter how much bullshit it threw at me. Two pound gain?! Too bad, I'm still working my ass off (LITERALLY, ha!) and I'm going to reach my goal. Think a fat ass can dissuade me from going to the gym? It's just going to make me work harder so suck it.
And all my hard work totally paid off this week. 3.5 pounds down. In one week. Damn right. 189.7 to 186.2 and I think it's the best jump I've had in weeks. Months even. It seems like almost too much, but in the last 3 weeks I've lost a total of 4 pounds so it's not really that impressive. But it also means that I've lost 30 pounds since starting back in May of 2010 and that I'm still on track to hit my goal of 55 pounds lost by August of this year. Of course, I'm expecting a lot of backlash next week for having such a good week now, but I'm prepared and I'm willing to mix it up a little to keep that from happening.
But no matter what, I feel good and I look better than I have in years. And that is seriously worth all the time and energy spent. Also, can I say again how much I love my gym? It's like a refuge from work and home. Plus there's cable.
Now it's time to hit said gym and for my favorite past time, staring at others while they work out and silently judging them for the choices they've made. Those shorts? Oh honey, no.
Go Nicole!
Please see the note I just left on “The More You Know…” with regard to this whole spelling out numbers thing.
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