Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weeks 12-13

4/5 - 4/18

I work I work out. I work I work out. I go to wedding showers, baby showers, funerals, happy hours and then back to work and the gym. I enjoy tofu more than I ever thought I would. Prosciutto wrapped asparagus changed my world for the better. I've officially cut cheese out of my diet and feel pretty good about that. I'm now vegan except for the meat. And I will never stop eating the meat. I drank WAY too much beer over the last two weeks and am going to try really hard not to drink for... at least the foreseeable future. But I make no promises. Since my flat iron is broken I've started curling my hair and that's pretty cute for now, we'll see how long it lasts. Probably as long as my vow to stop drinking. UPDATE: Curling my hair lasted one day and not drinking lasted two. It's the playoffs! I can't be held responsible for my actions.

When I got on the scale yesterday I wasn't expecting a big number. What with the aforementioned many nights of beer drinking and cutting back on my cardio at the gym. Except for Wednesday nights. That's when Elyse and I watch American Idol. No judging.

I also wasn't expecting a big number because I'd lost 10 pounds in the previous six weeks. That's pretty damn good and I knew my body was going to be all "wait a minute meow, you're doing this again? Can't we just lounge and watch Mad Men and eat fudgesicles and drink wine?" And I say NO to my body and go back to the gym. Sucker. So I lost one pound over the last two weeks. I'm now 182.6 and getting ever closer to my first REAL goal of being 'normal' and not 'overweight'. Not bad considering I started just a hair inside the 'obese' category.

One more pound gone and 34 pounds total. I'd like to hit 40 by Memorial Day weekend and my gym buddy's wedding but either way I should get started dress shopping now. Ugh, dress shopping. I'd rather go beer shopping.

Oh and watch these. I've been obsessed with Epic Meal Time for a couple weeks now (thanks Tron) and these are a few of my favorites. They'll either make you really hungry, really disgusted, or just plain fall in love with Canada all over again.

Breakfast of Booze

Meat Cars

Meat Salad

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Links are funkin' hilarious! Why didn't I think of stuffing french toast? Or making lettuce out of meat?Cooking without booze is just doing it wrong...