Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Politics are the worst.

I despise everything about politics. I don't like Republicans, I don't like Democrats, I don't like the Green party, Libertarians, Independents and I especially don't like the Constitution party. Those guys are SCARY as shit. Hey politics and religion: believe what you want to believe but don't be a dick about it. Just be nice to people. It's the golden rule assholes.

There's a lot of contention right now about women and birth control and it's upsetting as hell. I don't pretend to understand or care what each side is arguing because I don't listen to the jackasses. I don't know why it's 2012 and we're having this argument. There are horrible things happening in the world. Disease and poverty and hunger. War and homelessness and death. All brought on by the fact that there are just too many damn people on the planet and nobody gets along. I blame religion and politics.

I don't get why anyone other than me would care that I pay $5 a month for my birth control pill while my insurance covers the rest. I don't think anyone but me should get to tell me what I can (or can't) put in my body. It shouldn't matter to anyone but me whether I have sex every day with multiple partners and don't want to end up on Maury (because I'm so responsible) or if I use the pill to regulate my painful and irregular periods. (Guess which one it is?)

For the record, every month when I pick up my birth control (as I'm going to do as soon as I hit publish) I feel judged. Not because I'm ashamed. I feel like the pharmacist is looking at me and thinking "Oh... okay. You want to spend money on this? Abstinence is cheaper you know, you'd save some money if you just stick with that. This is beer money. Though I guess you're probably using it for acne. That's a good call."


Robyn Allysse said...

I totally agree. That's why I get my daily dose of the outside world through the Daily Show and funny political cartoons.
I officially gave up when I realized the same people wanting to get rid of welfare also want to cut out the pill. Oh, Blurg.

Nicole Janelle said...

Right? It doesn't make any kind of sense. It's best not to think about it.