Because I sure as shit don't feel like it. I try to tell myself that other adults are faking it too. They hate paying bills, they hate waking up early to go to work, they hate responsibility, traffic, grocery shopping, doing laundry, meeting new people... pretty much anything that sniffs of obligation and importance.
Around this age I'm also doing a lot of explaining as to why I don't want children. Total strangers have insisted that I tell them why I don't want to force a giant living, screaming, clawing creature out of my vagina. There's your answer right there you insanely nosy person. The fact that I don't want a child, or to own property, or to even get married could in some circles make me out to be some kind of witch. Some circles of my own family even. (Don't worry, I don't hang out with that branch very often.) But not an actual witch that could turn kids into toads or swarm crops with locusts. Just an average woman who happens to speak her mind and belch a lot (especially in the morning and after going up stairs) and got burned at the stake for it. Or maybe I would be tossed off a cliff to see if I could fly. Or drowned with rocks. Oh, the possibilities are endless!
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