Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 10 (ish)

3/22 - 3/31 which I finally stop weighing myself every damn week.

On Thursday I weighed myself and saw that I'd gained a pound. It was stupid of me to weigh myself in the middle of the week and only three days after such a huge win (3.5 pounds for those with poor memories) but I did. Cause I'm a dummy. And the pound gain didn't upset or depress me, I just got annoyed with myself that I would waste my good energy by letting a stupid number get me down. When I got to work I confided with my gym buddy that I had cheated and she told me she had too (neither one of us has great will power, that's how we kept those trim figures for all those years...) and gained a pound also. We decided not to be dummies and stop weighing ourselves so often and focus on our clothes and how they fit, the measurements and the compliments. GOD I love the compliments and I'll get to my very favorite one in a few.

At first we were thinking once a month, but again that will power I know I still don't quite have (though I haven't had a fudgesicle in like 3 days (too much sugar) and I'm dying a little on the inside) I figured I could make it two weeks. Which means weigh-in isn't until April 4th and it seems so far away. Now this decision has a downside too, if I don't lose what I think I should in two weeks I might be a little disappointed, but I also know that I'm working really hard, trying new things and it's definitely paying off.

On Thursday I went to a class (24 SET) that made me sweat more than I've ever sweat. It was gross and smelly. My hair was a nightmare (one sweat soaked strand was sticking straight out of my head, it was actually pretty awesome) and my face was red red red. But I felt good. Exhausted but good. Then Sunday I got to (finally) see a personal trainer. And if I haven't said it before I love him. So adorable and too smart and I got worked really hard again. I hadn't fully healed from the class (my abs were killing me every time I sneezed, coughed or laughed and I do those things a LOT) and here I was doing even more things that made my face red and my hair stick out straight from sweat. Awesome.

So no weigh-in Monday. And it felt good. I felt good. Well, my abs felt better but my shoulders (10 pound dumbbells! And I didn't complain once. Till now. It was HARD) and my quads were a wreck. I like to mix it up. Later in the week it's my hamstrings. Thank god for the handicap bar next to the toilet. But today at work I was talking with a customer about quitting sugar (or trying) and then something else happened (I only remembered the most important part of the conversation you see) and THEN she told me I was a "skinny minnie" and to shut up! It was the best thing anyone's ever said to me (for real she's awesome and I love her) and I freaked out. Then my gym buddy told me I looked tall and not jiggly at all running on the treadmill this morning. Another win for NJ!

So no matter what the scale says on Monday (especially cause it's the day after my Mario Kart party... I'm only allowing myself one bottle of wine all day. Maybe a giant beer, I haven't decided yet) I know I'm pushing and working and doing the best thing I can for my body and my soul. And the rest of the world. You'll thank me when you officially meet Skinny Nicole. It'll be worth the wait, trust me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week nine

3/15 - 3/21

I can't wait till next week so I can stop spelling out the numbers. Bet you didn't know that was a rule, right? One through nine are spelled, 10 and up and just numeric. "The More You Know..."

Okay, grammar lesson over time to talk Skinny Nicole. Cause yes, I've finally had a week to be proud of. My body realized after nine weeks that I wasn't going to give up no matter how much bullshit it threw at me. Two pound gain?! Too bad, I'm still working my ass off (LITERALLY, ha!) and I'm going to reach my goal. Think a fat ass can dissuade me from going to the gym? It's just going to make me work harder so suck it.

And all my hard work totally paid off this week. 3.5 pounds down. In one week. Damn right. 189.7 to 186.2 and I think it's the best jump I've had in weeks. Months even. It seems like almost too much, but in the last 3 weeks I've lost a total of 4 pounds so it's not really that impressive. But it also means that I've lost 30 pounds since starting back in May of 2010 and that I'm still on track to hit my goal of 55 pounds lost by August of this year. Of course, I'm expecting a lot of backlash next week for having such a good week now, but I'm prepared and I'm willing to mix it up a little to keep that from happening.

But no matter what, I feel good and I look better than I have in years. And that is seriously worth all the time and energy spent. Also, can I say again how much I love my gym? It's like a refuge from work and home. Plus there's cable.

Now it's time to hit said gym and for my favorite past time, staring at others while they work out and silently judging them for the choices they've made. Those shorts? Oh honey, no.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not about weight.

I'm probably one of the whitest girls in America. Not just because I live in Oregon and see little to no sunlight nine to ten months out of the year. I mean like white, white. I have very little rhythm, no ass to speak of and I speak like a Valley Girl. Totally.

But I love music. Most all kinds of music, as long as it's good and I can appreciate it. Classical, rock, hip-hop, even some country. Now I'm on the B.o.B. bandwagon- he's just so adorable. And I've always been a Mos Def fan. I know, he's rap for white people, but still.

My first introduction to hip-hop and rap was in 1994 with Mr Nate Dogg and Mr Warren G singing about driving around California looking for some ladies and finding trouble instead. It was a seriously awesome song and I still love it. I just heard (thanks social media) that Nate Dogg has died, and at only 41 years old. When I rediscovered the song a year or so ago, I stumbled upon the Regulate (song) website on Wikipedia (my usual source for information) and thought it was pretty hilarious. Of course I didn't think anyone else would remember the song or appreciate it so many years later, but now, after a celebrity has died it becomes okay to admit you liked the more ridiculous aspects of their careers. Michael Jackson and Man in the Mirror springs to mind. No one admitted to liking that song when he was alive but the day he died and for months after they played it non-stop.

So I just thought I would share the tongue in cheek explanation of one of my favorite songs. Bonus points to the author for using the word surreptitiously.

And RIP Nate Dogg.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week eight (and a little bit of seven)

3/8 - 3/14 (and 3/1 - 3/7)

I didn't write last week on purpose. Usually I don't abide by the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" rule. In fact it's quite the opposite. I will usually only say nice things behind backs (if I like you) or not at all (if I don't). I know, that doesn't make sense, and there is a bit of hyperbole in there (cause I speak mostly in hyperbole and other forms of exaggeration), of course I say nice things to the people I like, how else would I keep them around? But I digress. Week seven was an asshole and I didn't want to talk about it then. I'll talk about it now.

The first week of March was my "mix-it-up" week. I went to the gym in the morning. In. The. Morning. Anyone who has ever met me knows that mornings are not my thing. I tend to grunt, swear and make a lot of ridiculous noises and hand gestures. So I try not to venture out of my house before 10am, for the good of the people. But something had to be done. I was STUCK in the 190s. You know because you've been reading. Or you know because I just told you. But I was stuck and if working out in the morning was going to help then I was going to do it. I pushed up my intervals and only did 35 minute workouts. I upped my weights and reps when I did strength training. I even had to buy weight lifting gloves for my baby soft hands that have never seen a day of hard labor. Well, one day. I got paid cash and it was worth it. And while I didn't watch my calories like a giant overweight hawk I did keep it in check and within range.

So when I got on the scale Monday morning (the only indulgence of the week was the maybe two or three margaritas the day before) and I'd GAINED two pounds I got really pissed. I didn't even gain two pounds over Christmas. I know (I KNOW) muscle weighs more than fat. I know (I KNOW) my body will take a while to adjust. I know (I KNOW) I shouldn't let it get me down. But it does. And it did. When someone has 60 pounds of fat on their body, HALF of which they're trying to lose, putting on two pounds of muscle isn't the problem. It just isn't. But in the long run (ugh, I hate running) I couldn't let it bug me too much. I flung myself onto my bed Disney princess style (with more swearing of course) and grumbled (and swore) for a while but then decided it was time to move on and keep trying. 192.1 lbs means there's nowhere to go but down.

Problem was, on my way to margaritas and Mexican food on Sunday I'd fallen really badly down my driveway. Stupid moss. Nature and I already have a pretty tough time together without it actively trying to hurt me. But time + tragedy = humor, right? It's already getting to be pretty funny when I think about how I must've looked. I did fake man splits when I fell, spilled water all over myself, broke my key chain and my shoe flew off. Of course I yelled a swear and it echoed through the neighborhood. As I type now, nine days later, my foot wound still hurts and is painful to the touch. Because of the weird angle at which I slammed to the ground, my whole right leg was sore and along with the wounds I skipped the gym for two days, just watched really closely what I ate.

Then I did what I wanted for the rest of the week. If I wanted to work out at night I did. If I wanted to do strength training, I did. I bought some "old-man-pooping-drink" (or Metamucil, mmm... orange flavor) to help with my fiber intake. I bought strawberries and made lentil soup, but still wasn't getting enough fiber. I started taking my vitamins again. I made sure there were always vegetables in the house and started eating quinoa again. I've missed quinoa, it's SO good if you haven't had it. So much protein and it goes with pretty much anything, I enjoy it with sauteed veggies and a little chicken sausage. Delicious. And the trick is to make enough so I have lunch at work the next day. If I forget lunch at work I'm pretty much screwed, I don't have the calories (or cash) to spend on anything that's not homemade.

I tried, but I didn't overdo it. Trying to lose weight is such a bitch. There's so many emotions that go along with it. Mostly guilt and anger, but for those split seconds when the scale shows some progress, it's (almost) all worth it. Yes, clothes fit better (I have to wash the "skinny" (not actually skinny) jeans I bought just so they'll fit me, I've gone down two sizes and I can just pick a Large up off the rack knowing it will fit, it's wonderful), I have an omnipresent collarbone - side note: there are WAY too many pretty, skinny girls with really bad posture. Is it so things don't stick out weird? Is it to showcase boobs? Hide a non-existent gut? I'm confused and you need to stand up straight - and I am rocking short hair like I never thought I could, but it's nice to see the results ON THE SCALE.

Monday morning. Finally results. Finally in the 180s. Yes it's 189.7 but I could NOT care less. It says 18- at the beginning of my weight and I'm on my way again to being "normal" for my height. Only 10 more pounds till that milestone. And till I weigh as much as my youngest brother. And that's more exciting than any number on the scale.

But I'll get into that next week.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week six... which I'm pretty sure my body is messing with me.

2/22 - 2/28

Because of my minimal 0.6 pounds lost last week, despite keeping my calories around 1450 every day, I upped my foods this week to allow 1680 calories a day. That's suitable for a pound and a half loss a week and that's more than what I'm aiming for. And more than what I've been losing.

Yeah, I slacked off a little (just a little!) at the gym this week too. I went five times, but only once or twice even broke a sweat. I just wasn't feeling it. So am I surprised I only lost 0.2 pounds this week? A little. Mostly I'm annoyed that I'm still in the 190s two weeks later. So how did I celebrate my 0.2 pound loss? By drinking beers and eating curly fries of course! But they were the best beers and the best curly fries I've ever had. Ever. I will request Lagunitas (Brown Shugga' mmm), Deschutes (Red Chair NWPA delish) and some deep fried potatoes be sent into my tomb with me, a la the pharaohs and their cats.

I was bad last night. But I plan to be good the rest of the week. I'm upping my reps and my weights, I'll make sure to keep my heart rate up and sweat more. I still refuse to run more than 3 minutes at a time though. I hate that shit.