But it definitely doesn't help a girl lose weight.
I gained another 2 pounds. Which puts me squarely at 177.whatever pounds. Which means these last 10 pounds are going to be my arch nemesis. I can already tell. I've been sweating a LOT at the gym this week but I think it might just be the humidity. But it does give me that smug sense of self satisfaction I so very much enjoy. I also get that same sense when I find a really good happy hour or get a shot (or many) purchased for me so all those days I skipped the gym last week for friends and drinking? Totally worth it. I have too much fun in the summer and after giving up friends, family and booze for a year I don't want to do it again. Not yet. I'm not ready.
The main reason I'm not ready to give up my life for the gym is that the gym is BORING and I hate boring. Seriously it's the worst. So I skipped for a while and had too much fun. Drank most of my calories anyway so it was all fine. It's science.
I finally started going again and yesterday (on the future machine of course) I was staring and judging (my two favorite things to do there) and all my besties were there: Steroids and his girlfriend, the scary ginger girl with a severe muffin top, crazy mullet woman (she AND her mullet are crazy), tiny tattooed guy, the two Korean men (I think they're "just friends"), Jessie from the Biggest Loser (my gym's totally famous no big deal). And I realized (after freaking 16 months at the same gym) that if I have been staring and judging all this time are THEY staring at me and judging? What's my nickname? Do they think, oh there's that girl who burps too much, talks to herself and makes weird faces all the time. What the hell is her problem? Why are her shirts on inside out and is that a chocolate stain? Cause yeah, that's me.
I can't very well walk up to Paperwork or Short-Shorts and ask them if I have a nickname. I did walk up to one of the trainers to inform him that he'd shaved his beard and that he didn't really resemble the nickname I'd given him anymore. PS it was Johnny Surfer. Clean shaven he looked more like Johnny Straightedge. Bo-ring.
But most people don't do stuff like that. I think.
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