Thursday, November 4, 2010

Forgive the lateness of my reply

I am physically unable to get anywhere on time. It doesn't matter how hard I try something is always blocking my way- literally and figuratively.

Today was spa day and it was fabulous. Groupon is the best invention ever and I got a manicure, a brow wax (yikes those suckers were out of control, but the artist/brow tech (?) said I have really nice brows with perfect arches. Thanks? I will take any compliment offered my way!), and a haircut. Along with the haircut came a pretty hefty glass of Merlot so that was an added bonus.

Everything was planned out and I was walking out the door with 5 extra minutes to allow for any missteps, detours, or obnoxious afternoon traffic jams (seriously, all those people can't possibly be on the same work schedule as me! Where are you GOING at 11am on a Thursday?!)

Unfortunately the first detour was running back in the house to print the physical Groupon coupon and that took up all of my allotted extra time. Print print print click click click! Finally after some threats of physical violence in super scary hushed tones I got what I needed and was out the door.

Next detour? A physical one with road barriers directing me down some random street underneath the bridge. Thanks Belmont/Morrison and my GPS for leading me astray so easily! When I finally cleared the detour another LITERAL blockade of a giant truck trying to park kept me from turning on the street I needed to be on.

Thank goodness I drive like a Californian because I was still only two minutes late to my appointment.

Spa day was a success, my nails, brows and hair all look super cute and well looked after (for once). The wine was perfect and I capped it all off with an amazing GF/vegan (except for the bacon!) pizza from the only place in Portland I can eat pizza: Oasis Cafe on Hawthorne.

I got an entire pizza but only ate 2 pieces, I'll be eating like a queen (one riddled with allergies anyway) for a week!


Anonymous said...

Only two pieces?

Nicole Janelle said...

Maybe three. And other people may call them "slices" but no. Not me.

Amanda said...

Huzzah for a new blog!